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Version: FG6

Run Configurations

Run configurations define how an instance of the game is going to run. This includes arguments, working directories, task names, etc. Run configurations are defined within the minecraft.runs block. While no runs are configured by default, Forge does provide the configurations client, server, data, or gameTestServer.

minecraft {
// ...
runs {
// Configure runs here

Run configurations can be added similar to any NamedDomainObjectContainer using closures.

// Inside the minecraft block
runs {
// Creates or configures the run configuration named 'client'
client {
// Configure run

The following configurations properties are available:

// Inside the runs block
client {
// The name of the Gradle run tasks,
// Defaults to 'runX' where X is the container name
taskName 'runThing'

// Sets the entrypoint of the program to launch
// Forge sets userdev main to be 'cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher'
main 'com.example.Main'

// Sets the working directory of the config
// Defaults to './run'
workingDirectory 'run'

// Sets the name of the module for IntelliJ IDEA to configure for its runs
// Defaults to '<project_name>.main'
ideaModule 'example.main'

// Sets the name of the folder that the run configuration should be added to
// Defaults to the name of the project
folderName 'example'

// Sets whether this should run a Minecraft client
// If not specified, checks the following
// - Is there an environment property 'thing' that contains 'client'
// - Does the configuration name contain 'client'
// - Is main set to 'mcp.client.Start'
// - Is main set to 'net.minecraft.client.main.Main'
client true

// Set the parent of this configuration to inherit from
parent runs.example

// Sets the children of this configuration
children runs.child

// Merges this configuration and specifies whether to overwrite existing properties
merge runs.server, true

// If not false, will merge the arguments of the parent with this configuration
inheritArgs false

// If not false, will merge the JVM arguments of the parent with this configuration
inheritJvmArgs false

// Adds a sourceset to the classpath
// If none is specified, adds sourceSet.main
source sourceSets.api

// Sets an environment property for the run
// Value will be interpreted as a file or a string
environment 'envKey', 'value'

// Sets a system property
// Value will be interpreted as a file or a string
property 'propKey', 'value'

// Sets an argument to be passed into the application
// Can specify multiple with 'args'
arg 'hello'

// Sets a JVM argument
// Can specify multiple with 'jvmArgs'
jvmArg '-Xmx2G'

// Sets a token
// Currently, the following tokens are being used:
// - runtime_classpath
// - minecraft_classpath
token 'tokenKey', 'value'

// Sets a token that's lazily initialized
// Should usually be used instead of 'token', for example when the token resolves Gradle configurations
lazyToken('lazyTokenKey') {

// If true, compile all projects instead of for the current task
// This is only used by IntelliJ IDEA
buildAllProjects false

You can see a list of all configured userdev properties within the MinecraftForge buildscript.

Mod Configurations

A mod in the current environment can be added using the mods block within a Run configuration. Mod blocks are also NamedDomainObjectContainers.

// Inside the runs block
client {
// ...

mods {
other_mod {
// ...

// Configures the 'example' mod
example {
// Add a source set to a mod's sources
source sourceSets.main

// Merges this configuration and specifies whether to overwrite existing properties
merge mods.other_mod, true